Subscription Charges

 Users  Subscription Type   Annual Costs (Euros) 
 Financial Intermediary / Financial Service Provider   Site Licence    9,500
   Country Licence 18,250
   Global Licence 36,750
 Non-Bank Organisation  Site Licence   3,000
   Country Licence    5,750
   Global Licence    11,500

The NoRe data service is available via authorised information vendors only, either via vendor screens, vendor applications or direct data feeds.

A “Financial Intermediary / Financial Services Provider” subscription applies to any company whose business is ‘financial in nature’ including but not limited to firms trading, broking or dealing in financial instruments, asset managers, stock exchanges, derivative exchanges, data providers, index providers, etc.

A “Non-Bank (Corporate)” subscription applies to any company whose business is not ‘financial in nature’, such as corporates (i.e. manufacturing, construction, industrial etc.). 

  • A Site Licence is considered a single business address. A Single Site Licence is not permitted to distribute data to any other sites, unless they have a Country or Global Licence.
  • A Country Licence means more than one site at a number of business addresses in one country.
  • A Global Licence means multiple sites at any location globally.
All subscriptions are required to be paid annually in advance. The annual subscription period runs from 1st January to 31st December and the subscription will automatically renew each year unless written notice of termination is received with minimum of 30 days prior to the 1st January renewal date. Failure to pay subscription fees when due may lead to access denial. 

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